start typing the company name into the Yahoo! Finance text box - it will then display a list of all possible company matches
RHT,MSFT,NOVL This time, as well as seeing the Microsoft stock quotes, the user would see that Red Hat is down 4.19% at 14.65 while Novell is up 1.19% at 5.00.
enter the URL for the CSV file that the Download to Spreadsheet link points to, for example:
Using Yahoo! Financial Stock Quotes, financial stock quotes,This article introduces major concepts in computer programming- vital for app developers, web site coders and anyone wanting to customize Wordpress blogs
enter the Yahoo! acronym for the company into the Yahoo! Finance text box and then click on GET QUOTES
An Introduction to Google Finance
The code for a Microsoft Excel that will download the Yahoo! Finance stock quotes is irly , consisting of two subroutines; one to define the companies and fields, the other to format the URL to be used:
Once there the user can get the current stock quote of any company in one of two ways:
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Obtaining Yahoo! Finance Stock Quotes for Multiple Companies
Having seen how to access stock quotes using the Yahoo! Finance web intece, its worth noting that the current stock quotes can also be accessed directly by entering the correct URL into a web browser, for example:
where f stands for the fields to be displayed (in this case: s - symbol; l1 - last price; c1 - change; d1 = last date)
Additional Reading
Accessing the Yahoo! Finance Stock Quotes Directly
Employees can work at home some or all of the time, staying in touch with their office by computer and modem, x machine and telephone.
Sub getStocks () Dim companies As String Dim fields As String companies = RHT,,NOVL fields = sl1c1d1 symbol, last price, change and date downloadStocks (companies, fields) End Sub Sub downloadStocks (companies As String, fields As string) Dim url As String url = _ &nd the ability to either view the information on-line or to download it for future use make it an invaluable tool.
Users of Microsoft Excel or Calc can load the Yahoo! Finance stock quotes in one of three ways:
Basic tips for programmers to help develop the skills necessary to provide user-friendly programs at all levels of programming ability in any language.
Yahoo! Financial stock quotes are free, on-line and can be accessed either via the Yahoo! web site or downloaded into Microsoft Excel or Calc
Loading Yahoo! Finance Stock Quotes into Microsoft Excel or Calc
Its then just a matter of selecting the correct company and the user will see that Microsoft (for instance) is currently up 0.19% at 26.30.
For anyone with Internet access the easiestUsing Yahoo! Financial Stock Quotes, financial stock quotes way to obtain stock quotes is to go directly to the Yahoo! Finance web site at
Examining the stock quote for an individual company is very informative, but if there are a number of companies to be viewed then this can be rather time consuming; therefore its useful to know that it is possible to view the stock quotes of more than one company at the same time - and thats by entering the acronym for each company into the Yahoo! Finance text box and separating them using commas, for example:
A Microsoft Excel Macro for Loading Yahoo! Finance Stock Quotes
Obtaining Yahoo! Finance Stock Quotes for a Company
Accessing Yahoo! Finance from PHP
Yahoo! Finance is a free and easy to use on-line financial service which was used by more than 18 million people in May 2008 alone (according to the Internet analysis company comScore). This article will look at how anyone can obtain stock quotes from the Yahoo! Finance web site, and how to load those stock quotes into applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc.
MVS has a cility that allows you to keep versions of a file. This cility is called Generation Data Groups (G).